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Author’s guidelines are given below for the preparation of article. It is mandatory to follow the authors guidelines before submitting the article to the Journal of Food Product Development and Packaging. Authors should also read the Submission guidelines before submitting the article to the journal.
General Guidelines
Manuscript must be double-spaced, typed in English using 12 point Times New Roman on A4 (210 x 297 mm) paper in MS WORDS. The page number and line number must be assigned throughout the manuscript continuously. Authorship is limited to those who have contributed substantially to the present work i.e. conception and design of work, analysis and interpretation of results, drafting and revising the manuscript. One of the manuscript author(s) should be corresponding author, who takes responsibility for the paper during submission and peer review. Superscript numbers should be used to link author with institution and an asterisk (*) to refer to the corresponding author. The abbreviations and acronyms should be defined the first time they used in the manuscript. Do not use abbreviations in the title until and unless they are unavoidable. Use the standard mathematical notation for formulae/symbols. Genus and species names should be in italics. Internationally accepted (SI) signs and symbols should be used for units. The submitted materials shall not be returned to the corresponding authors, whether the manuscript is accepted for publication or not; therefore corresponding author is requested to retain a copy of submitted articles or materials. It is advised to refer the latest issue of the journal for the format of manuscript preparation. Authors can download the PDF file of their published article from journal website. We will not provide print copy of the published article to authors.
Manuscript Types
• Mini Review article (4500 words)
• Original Review article
• Book Reviews/Conferences and Symposia Proceedings/Letters to the Editors on recent
published articles
Title Page
• Manuscript Title (Brief, novel and Informative)
• Author (s) Name along with Initials
• Present position and Institutional Affiliations of all authors along with e-mail address
• Addiess of Corresponding Author along with e-mail, Fax and Phone
• If any author(s) has changed the institution (study place) at the time of submission of
manuscript, kindly provides the present address of author(s) in footnote.
Abstract and Keywords
TThe abstract must be concise and informative providing the aims of the work, principal results and conclusion with maximum limit of 200 words. At the end of the abstract 4-6 key words related to the manuscript work must be provided for indexing purposes.
Review/mini-review articles
The text of review article must start with concise introduction with clear statement of the objectives and importance of the present review at ends followed by suitable heading/sub-headings/sub-sub headings. These headings/sub-headings/sub-sub headings should be clear and sufficiently combined with logical interpretations-cum-discussion and relevant citations.
A brief acknowledgement of people, funding organizations and help in the technical writing should be placed in this section before the reference list.
Only published or in press articles should be cited in the reference list. In the text, a reference identified an author’s name followed by the year of publication. The citation of references in text up to two author(s) should be Surname followed by year of publication (Ex: Sutar, 2009 or Mishra and Singh, 2011), while more than two author(s) should be Surname of first author followed by et al., and year of publication (Mohapatra et al., 2012). In case, an author cited has more than one publication during the same year should be identified by a lower case letter (like a, b, c), both in the text and reference list to distinguish the works (Mane et al., 2011a; 2011b). All references cited in the text must be listed alphabetically by authors surname at the end of paper. The personnel communication and unpublished data should not be cited in the manuscript until and unless essential. Author(s) should check the references in text and reference list carefully to avoid delay in peer review and publication before submission of article for the accuracy.
Journal Articles :
Mohapatra D, Bira ZM, Frias JM, Kerry JP and Rodrigues FA (2011). Probabilistic shelf life assessment of white button mushrooms through sensorial properties analysis. LWT-Food Sceince and Technology, 44:1443-1448.
E-Journal Articles :
Mohapatra D and Bal S 2012. Physical properties of Indica rice in relation to some novel mechanical properties indicating grain characteristics. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 5: 2111-2119. DOI: 10.1007/s11947-011-0539-1
Books :
Sahoo J and Chatli MK (2013) Abattoir practices and animal byproducts technology. Narendra Publishing House, New Delhi, India.
Approved Methods :
APHA (2001). Compendium of Methods of Microbiological Examination of Foods (4th Edn.), American Public Health Association Inc., Washington (DC).
Chapters in Edited Books :
Kaushik G, Singhal S, Solanki S and Chaturvedi S (2012). Current trends in post harvest processing techniques for ensuring food safety. In: Advances in Food Science and Technology (AK Haghi, Eds.), Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, 183-200.
Conference Proceedings :
De R (2008). Electronic Governance-Theory. In the Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (Janowski T and Pardo TA, Eds.), Cairo, Egypt, 11-15.
Thesis :
Sakthivel PC (2011). Studies on the effect of nitrate on methanogenesis, rumen ecosystem and nutrient utilization in buffaloes. Ph.D. Thesis, Indian Veterinary Research Institute (Deemed University), Izatnagar (UP), India.
Patent :
Khandelwal S (2005). A synergistic antibacterial formulations and to a method of making the same. Indian Patent-197822.
Internet/website :
Author(s)/Organization (year of publications). Heading of contents/data/title of articles (if any). Links of website and date of access of contents.
The tables should be on the separate page at the end of reference section of the manuscript. The tables should have descriptive title and numbered using Arabic numerical in order in which they are called out in the text. Tables should be understandable with clarity without significant input from the text. The vertical lines or rules should be avoided in the tables. Lower case letters superscript should be used at footnotes to each table. However, avoid the very large tables and repetition of information in tables, figures and text. Symbols and abbreviations if used in the tables should be defined in the legend. The statistical significance should be shown by using *, **, and *** at the 0.05, 0.01 and 0.001 probability levels, respectively. Lack of the significance should be indicated by NS.
Figures (graphics/illustrations/artworks/charts if any)
These sections should be presented after the end of tables. Each figure should be presented on separate pages. Provide the descriptive title and numbered using Arabic numerical in order in which they are called out in the text. The figures should be small, simple, compatible and high resolutions (at least 300 dpi) with clarity. However, figures should be prepared using applications capable of generating high resolutions GIF, TIFF or JPEG before pasting in the MS Word. The figure should include sufficient description so that the figure is understandable without reading the text of the article. The concise legends for each figure should be presented below the figure. Symbols and abbreviations if used in the figures should be defined in the legend.
The number of tables and figures (graphs/illustrations/artworks/charts) should not be more than six.
Further Information
Further information related to submission and preparation of articles; please contact to (submit@jakraya.com).